I made some glitter words for you guys... I hope you like them. I think they're cute. I've got a whole list of other words to make, so keep checking back. The next ones will have to do with family...I think. You may have to click on the preview for the actual size. To download this freebie click here.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Glitter Words Freebie
Thursday, March 27, 2008
New Freebie Kit...Denim and Dirt
Here's my newest kit Denim & Dirt. I really like it...& have been waiting to post it in case I get selected for a CT call, but I have to start making some more LO's before I can apply I think, so I decided to give this away. If anyone uses it, please email me with your LO so I can post it on my blog, I'd love to see your creations! (It would make my day!) Don't forget to leave me some love ♥ if you download. I hope you guys like it! Now I can start working on my LO's & a new kit. :D

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Freebie Alpha for personal or Commercial Use...
Created this alpha with a script & a lot of help from my friend Dawn ♥ You can find a link to her blog on the right. Daring Spirit Graphics, she's got loads of great freebies!
Anyhow, the letters are actual size, there's 94 characters total, & I've changed my TOU on this one it's a free for all... personal or commercial use. Use it as is, or modify it. I just wanted to really share something today. I know commercial use freebies are hard to come by.... so, that's why I'm doing this. I'm sure I'll have more to come too. Hope you like it..I had a lot of fun making it! *hugs* Jewels You can download here: SBJ Pink Hearts Alpha Freebie
Thursday, March 6, 2008
More Stick Pin Freebies!

Friday, February 22, 2008
Stick Pin Freebies!
I was going to sell these in my "shop", but I found a free online shop, & have had no visitors as far as I know, so I've decided to give them away as freebies. There are 5 or 6 in total...I'll start with 2 today & post 2 more tomorrow. I'm going to try & do a freebie at least every other day from now on. PLEASE leave me a comment if you download them... Jewels needs some lovins! I'm starting out with my 2 favs... ;)

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Made a Valentines QP...
of me & my special Valentine.... and what I got for Valentines Day. A Chocolate rose & dinner delivered. Pretty sweet huh? You can click on the image to view it larger if you want. I really love this QP!
Quick page from: Honey Bunch QP made by Sonja Nakken (tuneskids)
made using Honey Bunch kit by Kristin Cronin-Barrow, available at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Hangable Hearts with Ribbons!
I just made these tonight for you guys... I think they're really cute. I tried to get all the colors so they would be versatile. Again, I am including a preview as the packaging looks so crummy. They all have the same design on them....it's a wall paper I made for my Warmth kit. I think it's really pretty. I really hope you guys do too. :D Oh yeah, & feel free to share my freebies as long as you include the previews. I'd love to get a ton of downloads... the more people that know about them, the better. That's what giving is all about right? Gives me warm fuzzies. :D Thanks. *hugs* Jewels
You can download this freebie HERE. Please leave me a comment on my blog if you download, it just takes a second, & they mean so much! ♥
New Freebie! Hangable Hearts & Lips
Made these while I was playing around with a tutorial the other day & forgot about them... so I figured I'd see if anyone had a use for them. You can hang them from anything, or, as you'll see in my next post, attach a ribbon to them. They vary in size, but most are 500x500. Sorry they're so random... like I said I was just playing around. The packaging makes them look terrible, so I am uploading a preview so you know what you're downloading. ;) These are all different though. The next set is all the same. Total Randomness...gotta love it. PLEASE NOTE: These are all transparent .png's I don't know why they are showing up white in the preview.

Monday, February 11, 2008
Zipped up Mini Kit Papers & Elements...
That file was huge & nobody has downloaded it yet, so I thought maybe I should split it up & let you re-assemble it yourself. LOL The file sizes are a lot smaller! The papers are just under 7 MB, & the elements are a little over 3 MB. BIG difference. Papers are 12x12 300 dpi, & the elements range in size, but are also 300 dpi, & are in png format.
I think I am going to make a bigger diamond bow. I was told that it doesn't really fit with the kit because the quality is not the same, but that's just because I resized it. It should take some time, but I'll get around to it & post it here for you guys.
My main kit is ready now, I just have to make previews & put it up in the shop. If anyone is interested in it, please email me & I will get my butt to work. There are 20 papers, & 104 elements! (I TOLD you it was a mega kit)! I am also going to split it up & offer it as 2 & 4 seperate kits.
Freebie QP Made by Cindy Ritter... :D
Here's a QP made by the sweet Cindy Ritter. You can visit her blog here: Crazy Dreamer Art & Design Simply add a new layer & slide your images underneath the QP. :D Isn't it gorgeous? I think so.... ;)
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Freebie Mini Kit!
I've finally gotten around to my freebie mini kit! What I did was create a Quick Page with all the layers named & intact. That way you can copy them or move them or do whatever you want with them. They are uploading to 4shared right now, I will edit this post with the link as soon as it's finished uploading. Here's a preview! I really hope you like it & leave me some love... ♥
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Working out the kinks...
I am working out the kinks in my new scrap kit, with the help of some very sweet ladies that are critiquing it for me & offering loads of advice. Thanks!!! :) I have to fix all my torn papers & I'm wondering if it would just be easier to start over, or to go back & fix what I have. I think I'm going to try & start over.
Don't forget to leave me a Valentine! Only 7 more days & I get to read them!
Once I get the papers fixed, & all the files converted to.png & resize some elements, the mini kit will be available. Thanks for your patience! I've got so much to do with 3 kids & all... I don't always have the time to do the things I need to. Plus my computer is on the fritz & keeps randomly shutting off on me. Especially if one of the kids or I try to play a game. I think I'm going to have to take it in to Geek Squad & have it looked at. We'll see what my hubby thinks... we have a lot of stuff we have to pay off & are pretty tight right now. Go figure. Well, I just wanted to post an update.
I should also have another Layout for download soon from another of my challenge takers. :) She's waiting for me to fix my red torn paper...so I'm going to do that now. (Before I get side tracked again).
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
2 new freebie quick picks for you!
These were made through my challenge to download the kit & make a quick page out of it. Dana Kruse made 2, plus a Layout of her adorable nieces! Both QP are available for download. Didn't she do a great job? I love them! And her nieces.... sooooo adorable! The kit is massive right now...tons of elements to work with! If you want to download the mega kit for free & take part in my challenge just email me. :)

Freebie Quick Page #1
Here's a freebie quickpage that I just made...I hope you guys like it! Please leave me a comment & show me some love ON MY BLOG if you download it... that's all I ask... Since all the comments on 4shared will eventually get deleted. Also, feel free to send me anything that you make with it & I'll post it here! :) Thanks! (It's 12x12 300 dpi) btw.
I made one with a picture of my daughter in it... I think it's pretty cute.

Mini Kit coming soon to a monitor near you!
I've decided that I'm going to offer a mini-kit as a freebie also since this kit is so huge. I've been getting critiques from a real sweet heart & she has really been helping me a lot. This way the kit will be the best it can be! I have to go through everything & decide what to use for the mini kit...
What do you think? I have 4 colors in the kit. Should the mini kit include all 4 colors, or just 1, or 2? The kit is enormous...should I split it up into 2 or 4 kits instead? PLUS offer the whole thing as a mega kit? That sounds like a good idea to me. :) Anyhow...I better get to work. Hope my brain decides to cooperate today.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
I have a new kit I've been working on. Right now it has 91 elements & 15 or 16 papers. I think I might end up separating it into more than 1 kit... BUT I'm offering the whole kit & caboodle for download now if you just make me a LO that I can add to my site as a freebie. I want to have a bunch of different LO freebies for this kit... so email me if you are interested & I will send you the details. Here's my icky LO version of the kit... I can't wait to see what everybody else comes up with.
Friday, February 1, 2008
12x12? What's your opinion?
I joined a Yahoo group to learn how to make scrap kits... & they are suggesting the papers be 12x12. Is this common? Is this the size that everyone uses? My friend has been making them smaller for digital scrapping... I understand that it's a lot easier to downsize an image than to try & make it bigger, but I would think 8 1/2x11 would be a good size for printing? What's your take on this? I also keep forgetting what to save my elements as... png or psd? I *think* it's psd... I hope that's what I've been saving them as.
LO .... maybe I shouldn't?
I made a LO for my first scrap kit, & it had lots more papers & ribbons & extras that weren't included in the LO. I think next time I should try it without a picture & just have the papers & kit elemements? I think I'm going to redo my preview for my kit, & keep the LO there because I like looking at my daughter. LOL
Here's a freebie for you guys... I hope you like them & can use them! You can get them here. (4shared)
Here's my last set of stick pins that are in my shop... only $2! Blogger would only let me upload 5 images. LOL The link to my shop is located on the right hand side of my blog. Or you can get there by going here.
Friday, January 25, 2008
My First Kit!
I will be offering only freebies until I know what I'm doing, then, if I'm good enough, I hope to eventually also open a store. (Will still have freebies though)!
Here's my first kit... Jewels Pink Passion. I have made it available for download on 4shared... There are a lot more papers & elements to the kit than what is previewed. This was my first attempt at making a LO, so I guess I should have focused more on the kit than my beautiful daughter. LOL